John Z. Barr

Credit Administration Management

Key Strengths

  • 30+ years banking experience including as Chief Credit Officer for 4 commercial banks.

  • Approvable by FDIC and state banking regulators

  • Bank turnaround experience

  • Loan portfolio reviews

  • Oversee special asset divisions

  • CRE, C&I, Specialty Finance expert

  • Business Banking Start-Up and Management

Education and Certifications

  • M.B.A Finance – Golden Gate University – San Francisco, CA

  • B.A. – University of San Francisco, CA

  • CCIM Designee

  • RMA Member

  • FDIC Security Clearance

  • Expert Witness

  • California Superior Court Receiver

Thought Leadership

  • Western Independent Bankers Association, San Francisco – Member and speaker, including as the moderator of a TDR conference in San Francisco.

  • IMN, CCIM and other Panels – Hosted 10 panels in California on Special Assets and Regulatory

  • Matters for a Troubled Institution, TDR’s, ALLL, Legal and other challenges faced by today’s community banks.


  • Approved as Chief Credit Officer by the FDIC / California DFPI to assist a California bank with their regulatory order in stabilizing the bank’s performance, raising capital and completing the sale of the bank. Performed successful turnaround of the bank through improving credit quality, reducing watch list credits, managing loan portfolio concentrations and sizing to comply with regulatory capital and credit quality ratios.

  • Performed extensive due diligence on acquisition targets in California, Washington, Arizona and Texas. Responsible for Credit Management as Interim Chief Credit Officer of the bank through the eventual turnaround and successful sale of the bank.

  • Advise and assist financial institutions with M&A, Special Assets, portfolio loan reviews, Note Sales, Inspection and Valuation of Real Estate Assets, and Personnel. Consult in areas of Specialty Finance including MSBs, ABL and Factoring. Work closely with Board and Senior Executives for banks in detecting weaknesses in procedures, credit policies and personnel. Recommend specific actions for minimizing risks in existing portfolio.

  • Conduct national real estate loan portfolio reviews for banks. Perform analysis along with site inspections for various portfolios located mostly in the western part of the U.S. Prepare comprehensive reports analyzing risks both in the assets as well as the underwriting and account management by specific officers of the particular banks. Recommend prompt corrective actions.

  • FDIC Security Clearance. Investigate aspects of bank failure related to borrower review, the bank’s overall credit approval process, and the bank’s management of construction and lending process and procedures. Work closely with various departments of the FDIC and Inspector General’s office to deal with fraud and/or other irregularities in practices involving underwriting and suspicious acts; prepare SAR reporting recommendations.

  • Superior Court of California Receiver. Serve as receiver for commercial and residential assets, partially completed and finished impaired real estate loans, ongoing businesses and special situations. Oversee response to corrective actions to secure properties with construction defects and safety and soundness concerns and defaulted business loans for various other companies. Focus on stabilizing properties as well as various businesses for sale and/or liquidation.

  • Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM). Receive prestigious designation for completion of courses, passing various examinations as well as a detailed portfolio review of real estate management and business expertise and experience. Awarded to approximately 5% of the total number of CRE professionals in the U.S.

  • Expert Witness – Serve as expert witness for several cases involving good faith, confidentiality, contracts, documentation and general banking practices with respect to CRE, C&I and mortgage products.


Philip Schaadt


Thomas J. Barrett